National Association of Conservation Districts (NACD)
2023 Stewardship Week & Poster Contest
Join us in teaching your students about watersheds, and then have students enter their watershed artwork into our annual poster contest.
The poster contest is open to public, private and home-schooled students. The top three posters in each category of the national contest will receive monetary prizes. Find out more details below.

Learn More About the Contest
For students to learn more about watersheds and the contest
Watershed Info PowerPoint
Learn about Watersheds and the Poster Contest
Fill Out the Registration Form
For students to fill out and send in with their poster contest!
1) Reach out to Sarah Turner below to sign up.
2) Booklets, materials and an activity schedule of how to celebrate Stewardship Week will be sent to you. *All materials are completely free.*
3) You, as the teacher, will be able to use the materials how you see fit in your classroom throughout the week.
The Larimer Conservation District and NACD will provide booklets for each student, bookmarks, educational PowerPoint presentation describing this year's theme, videos, national poster contest guidelines and much more!

What is a Watershed?
What are they?
A watershed is an area of land that channels rainfall and snowmelt to creeks, streams, and rivers, eventually leading to outflow points such as reservoirs, bays, and the ocean.
Watershed Sizes
Watersheds can be any size and usually have some high points of land like hills, mountains, or ridges.
One Water
All land across the entire earth is made up of watersheds. We all live in a watershed. We share the water in our watershed with other people, with animals, and with plants because... it is all one water.