The map below outlines the boundaries of the Larimer Conservation District and the watershed which we strive to protect. Purple designates the Cache La Poudre Watershed and red, the Big Thompson Watershed.
You'll notice that there are quite a few areas within our boundaries that are not part of our district. Conservation districts have always focused on the most pressing natural resource concerns. The original Big Thompson and Fort Collins Conservation Districts were formed in the mid 1940's following the Dust Bowl. Their primary concern was preventing another Dust Bowl from ravaging the midwest. The majority of landowners that opted into the district at the time, were farmers and ranchers, which is why city centers tended to be left out of the district boundaries. However, as times change, our focus has turned to water and forestry conservation, both of which greatly affect even those areas within our boundaries, but outside of our jurisdiction.
If your property is not part of the Larimer Conservation District, and you'd like to benefit from our programs, you may opt in. To do so, please contact us at office@larimercd.org.